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Канада Canadian Express† - Express set to play first game!

Edmonton, AB

Today was an exciting day here in Edmonton,Alberta! A new ownership group named "Dangle" has purchased the Team No name out of Glendale, Arizona.

"It took a long time but we finally reached an agreement on the price and fine details of the negotiations!" Said leader of the Dangle group Liam Dangle.

The team has been moved to here in Edmonton were there new name is The Canadian Express, playing out of the Canadian Hockey House! The reported sum of money that the team was bought for was upwards of 300 600 000$ In Glendale Team No name was struggling to put fans in the seats averaging an attendance of around only 900 people, they were bleeding money for years and it was finally time for a move. This Edmonton market has been craving another professional hockey team after NHL tickets have become so expensive, we were all hoping for this and we got it! Go express!

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