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САД Tampa Bay Bepis† - Day 1

The season kicked off strong today with a Brewer's 7-4 win over the Colorado Ice Dogs. In this match, team captain and defenseman Klenha was able to put two shots into the net. Milan Westman also scored twice in this game. Goalie Oldrich Pohunek did a fair job limiting the Ice Dog's scoring, however he did not play as tight as we have seen from Jonathan Cook. This will likely change as the team chemistry improves as these new players get to know how one another play.

A new name appeared on the Brewer's roster today. A German center, Ludwig Hasler, suited up as a left defender today. He flew in yesterday evening and played this morning. His performance was not very good, putting up no statistics other than a two minute penalty for cross-checking. Hasler will certainly be a big impact with two seasons of experience for Vikkings Bromshe over in Europe. While a great player, he also has a huge ceiling. Expect Hasler to do some great things once he can overcome his jet lag.

The Seattle Brewers also has a draft today, in which they picked eighth. With this pick, the Brewers selected Joel Penn, an A category prospect defender. He will be joining the team in just two days, but may not see action right away.

There was one more event that happened today. The National Cup drawings happened this morning, with the Brewers selected to play Connecticut Revolution. This will be an intense match with many viewing Revolution to come out with a victory. Stay tuned for the match date.

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