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Канада Dunnville Mudcats - Unique Blend

Dear Fans,

The Dunnville Mudcats are proud to announce the introduction of our new, "Unique Blend" sausage mix for the Briar Patch hot dogs. After twice failing to meet Ontario Health Board specifications for acceptable meat content in our stadium's snacks, the club is thrilled to inform you, the Mudcat fan, of our third and finally acceptable meat derivative which meets government standards and at the same time allowing us to provide you with the highest quality treats when you attend our home dates. Try one out at your next visit to the rink and buy a second for your companion at the same affordable price!

Dunnville HR

Појединачни прегледи: 5
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан