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САД The River Rats† - Back at the Bottom

The River Rats have seen their season hopes dwindle after several key player injuries. Fan expectations were decimated. But, somehow, the team has managed to hang in there. A couple of surprise wins have kept those dwindling hopes alive. "Losing two of our 3 goalies and having to sub a key forward was the most disheartening thing I've experienced since taking over," Coach2live said yesterday.

Injuries and new players have destroyed team chemistry so far this season. Scoring is off. Training schedules are off. Rosters are all mixed up. Currently in 16th place, the River Rats have a tough road ahead. Fans are still hanging on to hope. The question is how long will it last.

Појединачни прегледи: 9
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан