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Румунија Simply The Best† - Romanian Open 2010

De astazi exista turneul pe credite Romanian Open 2010
Mod de desfasurare: Grupe + Play-Off
Numar de Echipe:12
2 grupe
1 grupa =6 echipe
2 echipe se califica din fiecare grupa
Taxa de inscriere:10 credite
Locul 1: 60%
Locul 2: 30%
Locul 3: 10%

Data inceperii meciurilor:04.02.2010

Pentru inscrieri folositi linkul urmator:


Today I created the Credit Tournament Romanian Open 2010
Groups + Play-off
Number of Teams:12
Number of Groups=2
6 teams per group
2 teams will qualify from each group
Tax for entering the tournament:10 credits
First place: 60%
Second place:30%
Third place:10%

The matches will start from: The second of February 2010

For entering the tournament use the next link:


Појединачни прегледи: 30
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан