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Летонија HERCOGS† - Ekskluzīva intervija ar jauno vārtsargu!

HERCOGS Sporta sleja

Ekskluzīva intervija ar jauno vārtsargu!

HERCOGS Sporta slejas redaktors Maigonis Ēzelis tikās ar jauno vārtu vīru Jaap Willem ter Welle.

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Hello and velkom tu our haki tiim! Vii aar verii hepii viz jor arival to Jelgava. Hau du ju like hier?

Jaap Willem ter Welle: Hello! I’m very happy with playing in this team. I like hockey fans in Jelgava, I like head coach etc.

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Ferst geims iznt very good, vai?

Jaap Willem ter Welle: Oh, it’s difficult to jump in a new place and playing very good. In a first game, I even don’t have any training, from airplane to ice, it’s very difficult. And, I haven’t play this season at all, this is my first game in this season, maybe this is the reason, why head couch take me off on 3rd period.

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Buti n nekst game ju hevent verii gud tuu...

Jaap Willem ter Welle: Yes, I had problems in this game with my new equipment, and we haven’t much time, to solve this problem.

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Okei! Sou, kakiji plani na buduse?

Jaap Willem ter Welle: Sorry? Can you repeat the question?

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Oi, aim rilii sorii, vat plens for ze fute?

Jaap Willem ter Welle: Aaa, I’m going to train very hard and keep the net empty!

[Maigonis Ēzelis]: Ou, zats kuul! Hev a good dai end kiip empti net nekst geimz! Bai!

Jaap Willem ter Welle: By!

/HERCOSGS Sporta slejas redaktors: Maigonis Ēzelis/

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