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美国 Iowa Wild† - III.10 Playoff Outlook

With three games left, I thought I would take a look at where teams can possibly finish. All 8 playoff teams have now been decided, and now all the focus will be on trying to move up as high as possible to get that all important home ice advantage.

1st Seed

There are two teams in contention for this spot. The Iowa Wild, who hold a 2 point lead, and the Backstreet Boys. Neither team can afford a loss in this race. Its Iowa's spot to lose as Backstreet needs to win out and hope for an Iowa loss to claim the league title.

2nd Seed

In addition to Iowa and Backstreet, the Flying Bartlebys have an outside spot at this seed. However, the odds are on either Iowa or Backstreet finishing here, as the Bartlebys would need to win out and hope Backstreet loses every game to force a tiebreaker,

3rd Seed

As stated, Backstreet would need to lose its final 3 games and lose a tiebreaker to finish 3rd, so this spot really is between the Bartlebys and the Brentwood Diablos. The Bartlebys are in the drivers seat to get this spot, as the Diablos would need to win 2 games and hope the Bartlebys lose all 3 games, or if the Bartlebys win only 1 game and the Diablos win out. One interesting note here, is that if this came down to a tiebreaker, the Diablos currently have the advantage.

4th Seed

In addition to the Diablos and Bartlebys, the Elk River Wizards and New York Rangers St are both in contention for this spot. essentially both teams would need to win out and hope Brentwood drops their remaining games (and in the Wizards case win a tiebreaker) to win the 4th seed.

5th & 6th Seed

The same teams, sans the Bartlebys, that are fighting for the 4th spot could also finish in either the 5th or 6th spot. It was already explained how Brentwood could end up here. New York Rangers St hold a 1 point advantage as well as the tiebreaker advantage and it basically comes down to who ever plays better the last 3 games.

7th & 8th Seed

The Tuscaloosa Elephants and Old City Peregrines will battle it out for these two spots. Currently they are toed with Tuscaloosa holding the tiebreak advantage. However, Tuscaloosa has the tougher schedule, so anything could happen here.

I don;t think I mentioned it before, but congratulations to Tuscaloosa and Old city on making the playoffs, and good luck to everyone tomorrow.

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