Rockwall Rangers† - Rockwall Ranger's Post-Game Press Conference 21-12-2011

(General Manager Nicholas Nix)
Good evening, we would like to begin this press conference by congratulating our players on back-to-back wins. Hopefully the Rangers fans are seeing the early changes this team is going through, and that they are for the better. This was a great win tonight in league play and we hope to see more wins like tonight’s for the rest of the season.
Also I would like to say that the new Rockwall Center Maintenance Center is now up and running and we are proud of the new addition to the R.C.
I would now like to allow Coach Alonso to have the chance to answer some questions now.
Thank you (Coach Alonso)
Q. The Rangers seem to be struggling to win power plays, is there anything being done to correct this?
A. Of course, we know we have a problem and (Assistant) Coach Yerno is working on it with the team. I have no doubt we will be able to straighten it out shortly.
Q. This team has been playing four lines every game, will this change anytime soon or is this along with the offensive nature the style of the team.
A. No not at all.It all depends on who we are playing, if we want to go on the attack, because we think we can gain an early lead fast we will, if not we won’t.
Q. Was the offensive play tonight what won the game?
A. Yes, it helped give us a lead that was hard to beat. But they did start coming back at the end their and if we had not played hard early, they could of easily had our number.
Q. This team has not been able to stop its penalty problem, and is there a reason for that?
A. Yes, it takes time. This problem is not going to go away overnight, but we are working on it, and I ask you to come back in a month and see for yourself the change.
Q. What do you think about Sanchez’s slump and his role as Captain?
A. Manuel is our Captain. He had three shots tonight, and he has not had the greatest of weeks, but he is our Captain and that is not going to change based on three games.
Q. Who will be starting as Goalie tomorrow in Canada?
A. Ramon will be starting for us again, with 91% saves, he is just on fire, and I am not ready to set him down.
Q. Does that mean Mimbrero is going to be your starter?
A. No, it means we are just going with him while he is hot, and that is all.
Q. Currently Mimbrero is ranked 5th in the league of best goaltenders, is there any reason he should not be the starter?
A. Yes, he has only started in two games and we can’t let two games make a decision for this team.
Q. When will you play Alvide again as a starter?
A. That is decision we have not yet made.
Q. Is it a wise choice to keep Mimbrero in as goalie for 3 periods every night.
A. Well it hasn’t been everynight and as long as he is producing we are going take advantage of that.
Q. It appears that the teams is playing it Starters just as much in Friendly’s as in League Play, is this a good decision and why?
A. For now it is, in a month no. Currently we don’t have starters for the long-term we just have them for the short-term. Everyone on this team should be battling for a spot at the top. So when you ask me question like this, or will Sanchez still be the Captain, in a month anything can change. Who knows maybe we will pick somebody up and he will be our Captain. As for now nothing is certain. This is new start to this team and the players know that.
Q. The goal Quevedo got that was called back, got quite a reaction out of you and the bench, do you think that was a fair call?
A. No, he didn’t cross the blueline before the puck, and I think we got hosed on that call. But that is the way Hockey go.
Q. What was Quevedo reaction to the call?
A. Disappointment he knew the score should have been 7, but that was that.
Thank you, I will now turn the mic, over to our G.M. (Coach Alonso)
Thank you (G.M. Nix)
Q. Is there any truth behind the rumors of the team possibly moving?
A. No, and if it was we would not discuss it until the time was right for the team. As for now we are perfectly fine here in the Rockwall Center, for now and into the foreseeable future.
Q. When will the Rockwall Center be finished with construction?
A. We should be done by Saturday Morning in time for the Brno Warriors.
Q. There has been some rumors that the Rangers are planning to retire some numbers, is there any truth to this?
A. My official answer for now is no comment. We have a review process in place for the event of retiring any and all numbers and if we are to retire any numbers it will be revealed in a future press conference.
We have to catch a flight to Canada, so we will have to cut this press conference a bit short.
Thank you for all your questions and good night. (G.M. Nix)
End of press conference