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加拿大 Bricktown TwigStarz - Goaltending Suspect Once Again


In what was a vital contest vs Les Sans-Talents, the opponent proved they were anything but, turning a one goal disadvantage into a one goal advantage in a 3-2 come from behind victory.

Again, goaltending was the tale, just as it has been of late, with Denver Caven giving up 3 goals on only 17 shots, whereas his counterpart, Tapani Tapia, put in a strong showing, only giving up 2 on 34.

It's been that kind of season, for the Starz, with regular starter Denver Caven playing second fiddle to backup Thomas Inglethorpe, seemingly a man reborn in the past few seasons, holding down the fort when Caven otherwise hasn't. That in mind, neither Caven or Inglethorpe have played well as of late, with the pair surrendering a combined 7 goals on 38 shots over the last two, and if this continues, even making the playoffs looks like it may be out of the question.

On the other side of the coin, Les Sans-Talents were led by their star trio of Benjamin Shreter (1G - 1A), Alex Stuppan (2G - 1A) and Dominik Auer (1A), factoring in all 3 goals and putting up nearly half of their total shots in the game.

When asked for comment, Bricktown TwigStarz coach Travis David didn't mince words, pointing out the lack of effort throughout for the loss.

"We just weren't good enough. 34 shots, double theirs, and we still came up short. Their goalie made saves, ours didn't. We had the chances, a lead in the third, and we just didn't close it out, and that came back to hurt us. They're a one line team, and today, well, they proved that."

Bricktown is back in action Wednesday as they take on the team ahead of them in the standings, 7th place T-Town Titans. Goaltending has been front and center lately and that won't change then, with perennial all star Devonte Desroches (20-1-10, .944 Sv%, 1.61 GAA, 15 SO) coming in to town to try and further the Starz woes.

Puck drop is at 1pm.

Come on you Starz!

阅读人数: 4
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