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加拿大 Montreal Canadien† - Montreal Canadien - Season 4 Issue 5 - Difficult week

After a loss on Monday 2-4 on Fedidit Rangers ice, another loss today against Montreal's Canadiens, this time on home ice and the team lost 2-7. A lots of things are not working well lately but the coach Radomír Krejči does not think it's time to press the panic button:

"Today's loss was difficult to understand. We have been talking about our defensive game this week and focusing our training on simple plays but it looks like our execution today was the total opposite. The team tried to play too much with the puck and got into trouble. It resulted in 9 penalties and 3 power play goals for Montreal's Canadiens. Montreal's Canadiens is a team filled with talented players and you cannot give them too much space in the neutral zone. We played a defensive game today that did not suit our philosophy."

The owner MontrealCanadiensFan is behind his coach and does not want to be too pessimistic after 2 straight loss:
"The team is working hard to make sure we can compete with the best teams in league III. It looks like we are not there yet but I want to say that I am 100% behind the coaching staff and we have a strategy to make sure our team will reach is full potential for the playoffs. We are now in 5th position which is not a place we want to be. I think we should aim higher and focus on what needs to be done to achieve this goal".

As you can see, Montreal Canadien staff is not too worried after this difficult week and they are now back focusing on the next game. Another point that was brought up to our attention was the fact that new players joined the team and some people think that it may have hurt the team as they need to build their chemistry.

Stay tuned for other Montreal Canadien news...

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