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Канада Dunnville Mudcats - Shameful

(AP) A video showing a post-U20 World Championship party in Dunnville, Ontario is making its way around the internet and, as is normal, creating controversy in the process. The grainy clip, likely filmed by Dunnville Mudcat HR specialist Miriam Estuary, shows a meeting room doubling as a party spot for Mudcat top management. Fresh off their surprising run in the U20 Division I championships, Mudcat brass can be seen in the video highly inebriated. Team attorney Ed Valentine appears to be passed out in a rocking chair in one corner of the room, while U20 assistant manager John Clit, staggering, approaches the camera slurring, "Come here Miriam, I got something for ya!", before stumbling on a chair and crashing to the floor. Mudcat GM and President Paul Roedb, meanwhile, can be seen swaying drunkenly between a large size Canadian flag in one hand and a Union Jack in the other, appearing confused as to which one is which. Rocking back and forth as the video comes to a close, the Mudcat boss can be heard singing off-key the Sex Pistol's infamous version of "God Save the Queen".
Reaction from Canadian government officials was swift and severe. PM Justin Trudeau immediately condemned the party, calling it "Shameful" and "Not representative of the wide diversity of all Canadians". Conservative leader Andrew Scheer declined comment, stating that he didn't want his words to construe in any way, "an association with (Ontario Premier) Doug Ford". Contacted at his office in downtown Vancouver, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh offered a bemused reaction to the incident by inquiring, "Are these people that I should know?"

Уникальных просмотров: 9
Рейтинг пресс-релиза: Плохо - Средне - Превосходно