Take advantage of Christmas discounts!
Hello friends,
It's almost Christmas time and that's why, on behalf of the whole PPM office, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To show you that we really mean it, we have decided to give you an early present this year - a whole host of discounts on PRO packs. The biggest one of them all is the discount on the combo hockey + soccer for 12 months. Activate a combo pack in both sports for 12 months and get a 50% discount on one of the sports. But that's not all. If you don't want a combo, you can still get a discount on individual PRO packs for 3, 6 and 12 months. Here is the breakdown of everything that we have prepared for you:
- Combo hockey + soccer for 12 months - 50% discount on one sport, you save 160 credits
- Any sport for 12 months - 10% discount, you save 32 credits
- Any sport for 6 months - 10% discount, you save 18 credits, 36 credits on combo
- Any sport for 3 months - 10% discount, you save 10 credits, 20 credits on combo
The promo starts now and ends on January 3, 10:00am CET. You can activate the PRO pack here. If you don't have credits, you can buy them here.
Enjoy the holiday season!
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