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Reino Unido Dunwich Black Blades† - Injury Crunch for Dunwich

Last night it was reported that Club Captain, figurehead and leading point scorer for the 'Dunwich Black Blades', Gaétan Le Foll was pole axed in the car park by an opposing fan. Police are looking at the matter very seriously but transpired that Gaétan's Jaw was fractured and it looks like he will be out for at least two weeks.

Dunwich's GM was furious with the matter and said, 'We have had an amazing start to the season, and of the players to lose this has to be the worst news for us. The timing couldn't be worse with our 2nd round National Cup coming up as well as the league leaders on Sunday. Gaétan will be hugely missed. All I can say is that we will battle hard and try and consolidate until he returns. It's a huge blow.

Dunwich currently sit 4th in their first ever season and looked certain for a playoff berth, we'll see how this injury effects them.

Ken Jefferies
Dunwich Daily News

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