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Reino Unido Penalty Box Brawlers† - Hammer Murderers shown justice by the Brawlers

In possibly the biggest upset of the season so far, Penalty Box Brawlers beat the tough Hammer Murderers 6-0! The Brawlers started well an looked lively, clearly they had been told that this game mattered by Coach McHockeystick. Brawlers goalie, Mirolslav Nalesnik said after the game " I am delighted with my performance tonight, a 21 save shutout is especially sweet at home...I needed that tonight after some disappointing performances so far this season".

Buster McHockeystick has asked for a big push in May and challenged his side to remain unbeaten in the league for the rest of the month! Can the Brawlers do this, come along to the House of Pain and cheer the boys on as they try!

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