Pingouin† - Cliffstone Wild Bears - League III.12 Season 18

First up will be the fifth place Kamloops Blazers, who are one place behind the Wild, but who have a much more ferocious lineup and some serious veteran ownership as well, at least when compared to the newcomers from Cliffstone District.
Following the Blazers´ visit to town will be Cliffstone stopping into Edmonton to face the league runner up from last season the Predators. Seeing that the Bears did not even make the playoffs last season, no doubt they will be hoping to at least compete instead of being prey to Edmonton.
Finally to end off the month, Pearson Cliffs, the city where Cliffstone District is located, will host the Ghost Squad. This team is no doubt angry at their loss to Windsor earlier this season, not to mention their deposit down to tier 3 from tier 2 last year, so any hope of a sneaky victory by Cliffstone against this squad needs to just disappear.
Hopefully our boys can garner at least a point off these next league games, however without some major transfers, which the general manager has noted is not in the plans quite yet, do expect the Bears to fall in the standings by the time the month is done.
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