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Estados Unidos Iowa Wild† - Persistence Pays Off

Thinking about the turnover in league III.10 this year, I decided to see how many teams had been around in season 1. It turns out that 5 teams currently in the league started sometime in the first season. And, not surprisingly they occupy 5 the top 6 spots in the standings. Three of them made the top 8 playoff last season. Brentwood, who finished 3rd, Backstreet, 6th, and the Flying Bartlebys 7th. In the playoffs Backstreet moved up to 3rd, while Brentwood and the Bartlebys finished 5th and 6th respectively.

The other two teams, New York Rangers St. and my Iowa Wild, finished 11th and 13th in the regular season and 12th and 11th in the playoffs respectively.

The last few weeks have been exciting with so many new teams joining. Several of them becoming pro members. Although a few teams are certain to drop off this is the most active the league has been in a while. Hopefully we can keep it up, a more competitive conference means more money in the pot for all of us to split at the end of the season. Good luck to all as we play the final 8 games of the regular season and head to the playoffs.

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