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Riik: Liiga:

Venemaa Moscow Giants† - Dbo's Tigers (U.S.A.) - Moscow Giants (Russia) 3:5

After a victorious game against "Zenit" in Russian League, "Giants" flew to Golden, Colorado, to fight there with "Dbo's Tigers". "Tigers" have already visited Moscow twice before this game. And both times "Giants" won: 5:1 and 4:1. This time the game seemed to differ from those. "Giants" gave a chance to their second goalie - Jakub Nedelnik - and to a promising starlet - defender Denis Sudarkin.

"Tigers" score first, but at the end of the first period it takes guests only 20 seconds first of of all to tie up the game, and then to take a lead. In the second part of the came, americans make a comeback and then take a lead - 3:2. And in the last period "Giants" tie the game 3:3. Than take a lead - 4:3. And as a winning point - a gorgeous combination, ended by a huge slap shot by Pankrac Priebera! "Moscow Giants" win this game 5:3, but it isn't the end, battles will continue next month...

Dbo's Tigers (Golden, U.S.A.) - Moscow Tigers (Russia) 3:5 (1:2; 2:1; 0:2)
"D-Tiger's Den", Golden. 06.01.2011.
188 spectacles.

1:0 - Аксамитовски (Шокли, Легьерски), 0:54;
1:1 - Паутов (Клаэссон, Красильников), 16:34;
1:2 - Подружек (Мишта, Малинин), 16:54;
2:2 - Логан (Павлишко, Джойс), 23:14;
3:2 - Ричардсон (Джойс, Стейнманн), 31:47;
3:3 - Хвосталь (Войнов), 38:56;
3:4 - Каширин (Гавальер, Красильников), (5х4), 43:40;
3:5 - Приэбера (Лебедев, Лиханов), 54:07;

"Dbo's Tigers": Менцел; Чамай(2) -Донахью, Легьерски(2) -Миалье(2), Стейнманн(2) -Ричардсон; Пенни(2) -Бауэрс-Коннер, Аксамитовски-Наффер-Шокли, Логан-Джойс-Павлишко.

"Moscow Giants": Недельник; Лиханов-Лебедев(2), Клаэссон-Паутов(2), Гавальер (2)-Мишта, Хеггли-Сударкин; Кильпяйнен-Приэбера-Болх, Красильников-Круглов-Гребешков, Подружек-Малинин-Каширин, Слабы-Войнов-Хвосталь.

Giants vs Tigers:
21.12.10 - Tigers (H) 5:1
01.01.11 - Tigers (H) 4:1
06.01.11 - Tigers (A) 5:3

Unikaalne vaade: 30
Pressiteate reiting: Vaene - Tavaline - Suurepärane