Moscow Giants† - Giants Newsteller. Upcoming 8th season.

*Bohdan Kološ (LD) (CZH) From: "Rastapostmen" (Czech Republic). Has never played on the professional level yet.
*Dobroslav Gondáš (LW) (SVK) From: "Stoka United" (Great Britain). Previous clubs: "Vajčaci" (Slovakia, 6 season - 7), "TJ Plechotice255" (Slovakia, 7), "Stoka United" (Great Britain, 7).
*Toms Vītoliņš (RD) (LAT) From: "Dinamo Riga" (Latvia). Has played 4 games in Latvian Play-offs.
*Zigurds Saulītis (RW) (LAT) From: "Dinamo Riga" (Latvia). 1 game in Latvian Play-offs.
Next week there will be an information about released and sold players. Be ready for the champ battles! Good luck!
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