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Riik: Liiga:

USA Omaha Blizzard† - Revamp in Omaha

After a long time of little progression from the Omaha Blizzard, things are finally on the move. Late season roster upgrades helped the team clinch the #8 seed last season but sponsors were not impressed. After a fairly depressing start to the new season the GM, Jordan Holthus, decided to finally do something, "It was the motivation and support from dupa220 that made me start pressing for changes with the organization." With stadium uprades being finished within the month (which will bring in more revenue from the 2 skyboxes next season) as well as the unveiling of new jerseys are simple changes but Holthus hopes they will motivate the team to continue to build and work together and be successful. The GM also hopes the changes will motivate the fans this season to come out in force to help the Blizz clinch a solid playoff spot again this season.

The organization also expects to start facility improvements in the near future.

Unikaalne vaade: 13
Pressiteate reiting: Vaene - Tavaline - Suurepärane