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 Lehdistötiedotteet: III.13 (Iso-Britannia)

2 464 432 480
Maa: Sarja:
Iso-Britannia Pimps† - Friendly win
The Bisons narrowly beat Charlies boys home of Iraq in a big friendly between the top two teams in the league. The final score was a well deserved 9-7 win. This was an absolutely brilliant result goin...

Iso-Britannia Pimps† - Good first win
The bisons roared to their first win in their first match under Edward Quk. They won 94 against third in the league and have 3 tough matches now. A friendly and league fixture away to Charlies boys ho...

Iso-Britannia HSBC Ozaki† - We Are One
WE are a new team, we are still trying to work together, this will take time, i hope all of our fans can come one in this and help us acheive as good as we can! Thank you