Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 5 Issue 5: Season 5 Roundup
"I'm pleased with what we accomplished this season. If you told me we'd finish 5th after the playoffs at the start of the year we'd take it. We know there are lots of great teams in the leagues. We are very pleased with our performance this year. We struggled down the stretch. Losing the last 3 league games and first 3 playoff games. For awhile it was seeming like October wasn't our month. But it was our dedicated leadership and enthusiastic youth that prevailed and overcame our adversity" said Captain Guy Richard who was re-appointed Captain for the playoffs.
The Gryphons now have a few friendly games before they all celebrate their birthdays and the next season starts. In the meantime, they have sent their big guns to camp. Hopefully this will teach them how NOT to lose at the end of the season as seems to be the case in I.1 with the team.
On that topic, Peter "The Promise" has been put up for transfer when he heard he was not included in the group that was going to the training camp.
"I've been the past few times. It's a great time. I consider myself a good prospect. I figured I should have went. I said some things I shouldn't have. I didn't know they spoke Slovak to be honest, but I was given my transfer notice and am awaiting to see where I'll end up. They're giving me a week to see who comes through with a bid but I hope the franchise all the best and am excited for a new home and new beginning" he said.
The camp is said to rival that of Bud camp, minus the beer. The post-hockey and post-workout festivities are much to the delight of these young men, who get the royal treatment from the girls of the royal city (Guelph).
Until next season... come cheer on the Alpha Particles!
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