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Canada Dunnville Mudcats - False Advertising

(AP) Dunnville Mudcat boss paulroedb is back in legal trouble again after a recent marketing campaign was found to be afoul of national integrity laws. The ad in question, showing Roedb seemingly promising a National Cup victory over heavily favoured Redshift tonight, has been shown to be a deception. All week, footage of Roedb smugly assuring, "i see an upset on Tuesday...i guarantee it!" on a recent talk show has been delivered to dunnville fans, urging them to buy tickets to a local tv showing of the Cup 4th round match. Yesterday, a leak was posted on youtube showing that Roedb was actually referring to a game between closely matched Tomatoes and Ghost Squad. When host Michael Landsberg asks Roedb his thoughts about the Mudcat/Redshift game, Roedb mumbles something about not wanting to discuss the issue.

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