
Public account

 プレスリリース: II.1 (USA)

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USA Hanover Hellions† - The Dark Days #1: Battered but not Brok- Okay, Slightly Broken...
Tis only my 3rd game since joining and already I dread to see the yonder score. Already the games ahead look bleak. Morale is low among myself and the other knights. The foes that have been placed ...

USA Dusters† - woeful start
well, we knew it wouldnt be easy, moving up to II.1, but 0-13???? even after spending 20million on player acquisitions, we are still far behind the competition. Gonna be a loooong yead for the Bingha...

USA Notso Fastos† - Notso Fastos Sell Nearly Half Of Players
In a fit of anger caused by the team's inability to reach League I.1, the management of Notso Fastos has sold nearly half the players on the team. While no starters are finding their bags packed, the...

USA Razorback Thugs - Thugs moving in a new direction!
The management for the Razorback Thugs have officially completed their plan for the future of this organization. Manager Angelo Mosca was quoted as saying "It is time for us to implement the ideas an...

USA Jackson Jaguars† - Jaguars to Face Americans in Season 1 NC Rematch
The Jaguars are back in the National Cup Quarterfinals, in the familiar position of staring down a League I.1 favorite. Tuesday's game between the Jaguars (13) and Americans (4) is a rematch of th...

USA Jackson Jaguars† - Lind Called Upon to Step Up Again
With Jaguars goaltender Douglas Head suffering his second serious injury this season, the team will call upon Russell Lind to carry the load again -- and Lind looks ready. "It's never fun to see a ...

USA Razorback Thugs - Razorback Thugs Report to Camp!
The majority of the team has reported to training camp to try and improve their skills. Captain Robert Davilla was heard saying "we're solid in the gloves off department, but I guess this game is abo...

USA Jackson Jaguars† - II.1, Midseason -- By the Numbers
+57 - The Average Goal Differential (GD) of the Top 5 teams in II.1. +34 - Average GD of teams ranked 6-10. Winner of the "How is he only ranked that high?" award: Alaska Wolves, with II.1's bes...

USA Sparhawks† - Midpoint of Season 3
1/2 way through Season 3 and so far things are looking good for Sparhawks. Clawing their way into 3rd place at the halfway mark, they have had few injuries to date. Youth players are starting to make ...

USA Jackson Jaguars† - Jaguars' Russell Lind to Get First Test
With the Jackson Jaguars' recent promotion from a stagnant League III.1 to an competitive II.1, the team has been streaky this season. The Jaguars started Season 3 unbeaten in their first three, th...

USA Skavenblight Eshin† - Vandals trash local sports arena.
Vandals broke into The Horned Rat Center last night and trashed much of the building, breaking interior windows, drink machines, computers, torching a portable toilet and damaging an electrical box. L...