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Šalis: Lyga:
Šis pranešimas spaudai yra atsakas į komandos Didžioji Britanija HC Southampton† pranešimą spaudai: HCSouthampton

Didžioji Britanija Romford Tornadoes† - Romford replies to HCSouthampton

Romford, 07/09/2010 - In a statement from the Romford Rink Alexander Lowenhart, the newly appointed manager of the Tornadoes, expressed his delight on the question of HCSouthampton.
In a reaction he was rather confident by bringing his team forward, stating "Perhaps the maanger of HCSouthampton is just looking forward to meet the new team of the Tornadoes. Perhaps we will just be the one to counter him".

With that said, the Tornadoes actually lost their last match in a friendly against a French side with 1-4.

Peržiūrėta: 15
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku