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Šalis: Lyga:

Kanada Brampton Capitals† - A new year, a new look.

The Brampton Capitals will be altering their look for season 6.
After 4 seasons with the shield logo, the Capitals office decided it was time for a change. Capitals owner, mrnegative15 held a press conference at the Powerade Centre to announce the impending re-brand. "Capitals fans, you've seen us wear this logo for 4 years now. Through the thick and the more recent thin. Today I'm here to announce we will be changing the look of the Capitals to reward you for your loyalty. We've starting by re-painting the centre ice circle at the Powerade Centre and in the upcoming days we will unveil the new uniform.

To see the new centre ice look, keep an eye out on the Poweade Centre page.

Peržiūrėta: 16
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku