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 Pranešimai spaudai

2 457 142 204
Šalis: Lyga:
Šis pranešimas spaudai yra atsakas į komandos JAV TPH Thunder† pranešimą spaudai: shopping

JAV TPH Thunder† - TPH Thunder

This season the Thunder is looking great, led by 25 year old captin Simon Zak. The team is very youthful. Manager Mack Guzda says,"we are rebuilding due to a past veteran team." Yet they are in place 9. "We are not to worried," says manager Mack Guzda. We'll pick up our Game importance as the year goes on.

-Mack Guzda

Peržiūrėta: 15
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku
Komanda JAV TPH Thunder† atsiliepusi į šį spaudos pranešimą: New Additions......