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 Pranešimai spaudai

2 459 728 597
Šalis: Lyga:
Šis pranešimas spaudai yra atsakas į komandos Didžioji Britanija Manchester Phoenix† pranešimą spaudai: Coach for sale as well!

Didžioji Britanija Manchester Phoenix† - Get better juniors!

Manchester Phoenix wish to announce the placing of a quality Sporting Director on the market, with attributes of 20/20. Not only will he be able to organise effective training camps for your existing senior players, he will also boost the quality of juniors coming through your sports academy.

The starting price is a bargain at PPM20,000.

Peržiūrėta: 28
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku