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Valsts: Līga:

Kanāda Sarnia Stealth† - Management change for the Stealth

After a questionable start to the season, management of the Sarnia Stealth have decided to move on to other ventures.

The team had a moderate start to the season, and with various aquisitions to boost the team, it still stuggle's to find wins to stay competitive. With players aquired to boost the teams offense not showing the effort, other routes have been taken to support the ghost like offense of the team. Aquiring a high calibre goaltender and strong defensemen was a move to strenghten the team in other area's. However the team still show's little improvement.

Shuffling the lines throughout the season was also another move, but also has shown that there is very little signs of life in the offense.

Power-play has struggled along with the Penalty killing unit and has shown throughout the season. With a key 5-3 in the last league game, nothing was done to show how the team has come along managing only 1 shot, then shortly after taking a penalty to only give up the eventual winner. The team hasn't show much in special teams and has yet to click and hasn't produced a promising outcome.

The teams seems to be stuck in limbo with very little signs of moving forward. The team will be disbanded and management will move on.

Lasījumu skaits: 16
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski