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Kanāda Canadian Express† - Express hire new General Manager, appoint captians

Edmonton, AB

Shortly after the big announcement that Team No name had been moved here Liam Dangle announced that James Caldwell has been hired as the Canadian Express new General Manager.

"I'm excited to get started here in Edmonton! My goal is to hopefully bring a championship to us and our fans in the next few seasons!" Caldwell said.

Coming a long with the announcement, Caldwell also announces that veteran defense man Kendall Morrissey has been named captain of the team, joining him on the leadership end of things is rookies, winger Kyle Samson and Morrisseys defense partner Brendon Donovan.

"I was honestly shocked when Mr. Caldwell had called me to tell me I'd be wearing the "C" on my jersey, I was in Phoenix for years just doing what I could to lead, I'll take this opportunity and run with it though! Let's get out there and and play!" Said captain Morrissey.

Lasījumu skaits: 4
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski