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Valsts: Līga:

Kanāda GoonSquad† - ( 1 )Yo Yo Honey Singh 1 - 10 Redbirds ( 7 ): Wow,who will beat the redbirds if not even the number 1 team can't?

After a normal slow game played against the black nights,where we defeated them 5-3.We were ready for the biggest challenge of the season,which wasn't the case...

Yo yo Honey singh,a team who is supposed to be the best in the league looked more like a team who is in last place,or something like that. In one period, we scored at least 3 goal. The worst was that they even allowed a goal where we were the penality killing while they were in powerplay. The only goal allowed by are *back-up* gk was when he slipped the puck from his hand,clearly was visible too...

I also want to congradulate Isa van Hemelrijk and Harvey Dale for their first hat trick of the season.

Next game,Redbirds receives fox river team,a team that is 13th in standings and have a average statistics compare to the others. Who will defeat those furious redbirds,who?

Lasījumu skaits: 4
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski