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Valsts: Līga:

Somija Crybabies† - Žďárský stops HT Toukka and leads Crybabies to II-division

III.8- division got its winner as Petr Žďárský stopped HT Toukka on their home ice. Crybabies goalkeeper was phenomenal stopping 28 shots and conceding none. The winning goal was seen in the middle of first perioid as Klas Luoma netted his 3rd play-off goal and 21st overall for the season. It was surely Luomas most memoriable goal so far and again it was a powerplay goal. Powerplay proved to be the turning point in this final-series as 5 out of 9 CB-goals in this series was powerplay goals and Crybabies powerplay efficienfy was whooping 62,5%.

"At the beginning of the season powerplay was our weak spot. We have been impoved and towards the end we got better and better. In the final-series this was obviously our key to win", stated Crybabies manager santar.

"But most of all I want to thank our great goalkeeder Petr Žďárský. He was priceless as he played three consecutive games without conceding goal and two of those were in the finals. What else can you ask for? If you don´t consede, you cannot lose."

Crybabies beat HT Toukka 8-0 and 1-0 and heads to II-division next season. There are also Cup winners cup and National Cup games coming. What might be the top priorities next season?

"Those will be CWC and National Cup. I´m pretty sure we don´t have the quality yet to fight for the promotion to the I-division. But it´s too early to tell. If the season goes well and we are at good position when the play-offs start, of course we will fight for it. But as I said, it´s too early to tell right now."

"Now we are going to celebrate our promotion and very succesful season and relax for a moment. It´s time to thank all the fans and partners for the support. Later we analyze the season more precisely and see what could have been done better. Players have truly earned their holidays. Unfortunately I have to come back to work already tomorrow because we´re planning to expand our stadium and it needs some more precise planning. There is not much rest for the managers. But we wouldn´t do this if we wouldn´t love this."

Lasījumu skaits: 37
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski