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Kanāda Dunnville Mudcats - Back to the Roots

(AP) The Dunnville Mudcats organization announced earlier today that they club will return to one of their least recognizable team pucks, the obscure "Cat With Dirty Anus". After failing to win an award at the "Puck of the Month" contest, the club yanked the image in favour of some of the earlier, more popular team mottos. The decision was announced earlier today by HR Specialist Miriam Estuary. Said Estuary, "We feel that our team has gotten away from what made it popular. By returning to ["Cat With Dirty Anus"], we feel that we are getting closer to our soul, to the true spirit of the Mudcat organization."

Lasījumu skaits: 6
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski