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Valsts: Līga:

Kanāda Bricktown TwigStarz - Starz Bolser Roster For Sophomore Season


The Bricktown TwigStarz have made a couple major moves in the transfer market this morning, with GM TwigStarz first foray into it a fruitful one.

Looking to strengthen a leaky defence, they picked up 15 year old Slovak Jaroslav Simo, a steal at $10 000, as well as obtaining another 15 year old Canadian goalie in Elijah Bartle, again for the small sum of 10 000.

Add to this 16 year old Gašpar Halabrín, another of Slovakian origin, things are really looking up in Bricktown.

Only time will tell now.

Lasījumu skaits: 7
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski