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 Preses relīzes: III.2 (Kanāda)

946 617 845
Valsts: Līga:

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggies add another sniper.
The ever increasing offensive presence in the Horse and Buggies' stable was widened yet again today as ownership added Oleg Vinnikov, the 19-year-old who was bought from TRIUMPH, the 19th place team i...

Kanāda Brampton Capitals† - The Final Chapter
The battle is on, 1 last time. Yes, this time around the battle really is just for 17th place and is far from glory. But over the next 3 days the rivalry that defined the first 5 years of the Bramp...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggies keep their heads high
Despite missing the playoffs for the second season in a row and suffering through what is most definitely their worst season yet, the Elmira Horse and Buggies aren't gonna let that get them down. "...

Kanāda Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers...What a finish!!!
The Rangers Update!!! October 6th 2010 What a finish for the Fedidit Rangers! There was only a handful of games left and the Rangers in 5th spot in the race of the playoffs where any team could go ...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggies top goal-scorer in slump at wrong time
Relja Cajic has never been the top scorer for his team in his career. But since he signed on to the Buggies lineup, he's definitely been filling that role ... until now. "It's been a very different...

Kanāda Canadiens du Mont-Royal† - Crazy Crazy Crazy
I had to spend so much money on players, so much time to analyse tactics, but i think we wil get into playoffs. What a crazy league we're in. In the begginning, we're supposed to finish in 14 place. B...

Kanāda Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers....The Home Stretch!
The Rangers Update!!! September 17 2010 The end of season 5 is proving to be an exciting one! With 5 teams fighting for the second place finish for points, there is no way to know how the season wi...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Pressing on
The Elmira Horse And Buggies are continuing to make advancements, even though they still appear to be dwelling in the basement. "Bringing on Normunds Vasks was a huge step forward for us," said Hea...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggy managers making adjustments
The Elmira Horse and Buggies may have just become a serious threat. Not because they've begun scoring a lot of goals, although that may be the result soon enough, but rather because of a recent change...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggies begin making a push
The Buggies are slowly turning their fortunes around this season. In the last few games, they've managed to crack the top 12 for the first time since game day 3. "With the addition of Keyshawne Gag...

Kanāda Brampton Capitals† - Capitals News
2 games away from the halfway point of season 5 and the Brampton Capitals are not looking as good as they had hoped. Team owner mrnegative15 made himself available for comment for the first time this...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Mistakes in management continue to hamper buggies
This week has gotten off to a bad start for the buggies due to yet another communication error from the management to the coaches. "Somewhere along the line, the message never reached the coaches t...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Taking a step back
The Buggies have looked back to last year's goaltender Dominik "The Dominator" Mensik to close up the pipes in the Elmira end. Head Coach Isaac Ferraro admits putting new goalie Blahoslav Zalesnak ...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Trying to right the wrongs
The buggies are hoping to get back on track with a win against the Brampton Capitals today. Winning this game may give the team the added morale boost after losing 8-2 to Hunters De Baskatong, and los...

Kanāda Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Buggies lose a wheel
The Elmira Horse and Buggies have been unable to continue their tough play from the end of the post season last year, where they jumped two spots in the final standings to finish ahead of the Snowbird...