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 Nota de Imprensa

2 468 348 376
País: Liga:

Reino Unido Coventry Blaze† - A New Dawn...

We are very excited to announce that the newly established "Coventry Blaze" will be taking to the ice in their opening season this year. Over the last couple of seasons it had seemed like this day would never happpen. However the announcement of a new Genaral Manager had given renewed hope to all.

It is likely that the Blaze will start in the III division and will face a tough year. Poor finances dictate that this season will be one of consolidation - but to the fans the fact that they can watch hockey again at the Blaze is all that matters.

Come on you Blaze!

Vistas únicas: 64
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente