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País: Liga:

Suiza Greenlantern Kiwis† - GLK : "No, no promotion this season."

Yes, the GLK has a 3 seasons handicap. Yes, they should have been flirting with the playoffs and fighting hard. No, it didn't happen. Because yes, their manager is a freakin' genius (LOL).

It's a pretty easy season for the GLK even though there should have been more competition since some managers are here since the first season. It's a wrap. With more than a big-100 goals in advance on the second, the GLK has nothing to prove in the third league anymore.

But the GLK will not compete for the promotion. No, no promotion this season. The plan is simple : being champion of the regular season and finish 3rd of the playoffs. Just like I did last season. And it should work even though it can be very difficult to not win the playoffs (LOL I'm so arrogant xD).

So, who will win? I think it will be tie between the flyers, the eagles and the Knochenjäger Pratteln. Make your bets people, this is gonna be exciting.


Your arrogant III.13-Meister!


Visitas únicas: 12
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