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Esta nota de prensa es una respuesta a la nota de prensa de Canadá Elmira Horse And Buggies†: Surprise!

Canadá Elmira Horse And Buggies† - Season of wonders, season of heartbreak

The Elmira Horse and Buggies are having mixed feelings about this past season. Some are saying they should have gone further. Others are saying they never should have even made it that high. but there's one thing they're all consistently saying:

"This season was a blast!" said Matthew "The New Guy" LeClerc. Our scoring was pretty good all year, and Normunds was carrying this team on his back between the pipes, and when people thought it could never happen, we locked ourselves into the playoffs with games remaining."

however, that great season was overshadowed by what many say was the inevitable collapse of the flimsy stable in the post season. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the playoffs were terrible for the Buggies, but Ryan Archambault wanted to remind us all of one thing:

"To go from a 10-11th place team like we were last year to a first-place team in the off-season is extremely difficult. We were going to need some lucky bounces, and we got a few. What we need to remember out of all this is that we accomplished our goal of being in the playoffs, and I think we showed some of the other teams that we weren't to be taken lightly either."

Head Coach Isaac Ferraro agrees.

"The team did a great job this season. We acted more like a team than we have in years past, and that's what it takes. Our goal was playoffs, and would we have liked to make it further? Absolutely. But given where we came from in the past two years, we can't complain."

There weren't too many injuries to the Buggies this year, helping their cause. The most recent injury was to back-up goalie Zacarías Barragán. He was walking to the dressing room when he tripped over a wet floor sign in the walkway and dislocated his shoulder. Head Custodian Aulis Noro never returned any of our calls.

Speaking of goaltenders, there's a new face in town that goes by the name Vladimír Šedivec. With Barragán still slated in the back-up role, there is much speculation about where this years vibrant hero between the pipes, Normunds Vasks, will end up next season.

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