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Canadá Acadian Codiacs† - Codiacs Back in the Post Season!!

The Acadian Codiacs make the playoffs for the second time since season 5 when this administration took over. Head Manager JJ Wiart gives a lot of credit to the HD Dept for finding great sponsors like Eagle Eye Security Systems and Sport Broadcasting, bringing them on board and keeping them involved in all operations. Also, rookie coaches Noel Dyck and Simon Murphy (25/24) have done a great job with tactical moves in game and putting together the right lineups every day to keep the Codiacs in the hunt. Head SD Hunter Humphreys tells us that although we have a great mixture of European players with only one Canadian in the regular lineup, the guys are beginning to gel as a whole unit. Key acquisitions this year have helped down the stretch, young Swedish goalie Oliver Nordlund (18yrs/OR 476) has been very good, first and second line Center icemen Izzy Hinojosa (23yrs/ OR 890) and Adrian Fordos (22yrs/ OR 725)have been stabilizing factors. Of course we have to mention a couple of our veteran guys, retained RFA Robert Holubek (29yrs/ 466 Dit) and mainstay veteran utility man Mad Max Kvartuc (21yrs / 465 Dit) have kept the guys together more than anyone. It came down to the wire, but we felt a turn in momentum in game 31 when we beat the Icebergs 5-2 in their barn and the really had only 2 key games in the last 9, one versus Charlotte, which we won and the second last game against the Bulldogs, where we came up short. So wehad to hope the Iceberg would do the same and that's how we got in. Thanks to everyone for a great regular season and best of luck in the post season.

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