Dunnville Mudcats - Personal Integrity

Landsberg - A lot of people say that you lack personal integrity. How do you react to that?
Roedb - Well, to be honest Michael, I don't give a shit. I mean, these &*%$ing people don't know what they are talking about. Of course I have integrity, but integrity is a quality that has, you know, a scope, like...a range. Most people say that I am low and shitty and would sell my own family for benefit. But that depends. If the offer is really low, like really low, then I would of course refuse. Unless, of course, there was no skin off of my teeth then, you know...then why not? On the other end, if some guy offered me a huge amount, clearly outside of the law but, you know, big, big money! What &^%$ing moron would refuse that kind of deal? But between these two extremes like, let's be honest. I have just as much integrity as the next guy."
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