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Suiza Greenlantern Kiwis† - Low their expectations for season 4.

After a brilliant first part of season, the RJV staff choose to lower their expectations for this season and not race for the promotion. It's been only one season since they joined the game and the RJV is a pretty strong team already but after a brainstorming between the manager and the player, they finally came up with the arrangement that they should preferably stay in league III.13 for the next season to be sure to be prepared to the promotion... Cause, even if they grow really fast on ppm, they aren't prepared.

In brief, the RJV will chase the first place of the regular season, of course which will be very exciting until the very last day with the game Rolling Barrels vs. Red Joker Vendetta act II. It's been really close last time, so we can be sure, it's gonna be a really close game next time!

Good luck to the Rolling Barrels, HC Lugano, HC Vallée de Joux for the promotion and see you on the ice!

End of transmission.


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