Rockwall Rangers† - Rockwall Ranger's Post-Game Press Conference 24-12-2011

(General Manager Nicholas Nix)
Good evening and thank you all for joining us here at this very close win at the Newly Rededicated Rockwall Center. Tonight was a great game, and a great night for all those that participated in the ceremonies. I would first like to the thank “The Toadies” for their concert, and the families Howie Morenz, Bill Masterton, and of course my own for joining us on the retiring of numbers 7, 19, and my own number 31. Also I would like to thank the representatives of Joe Nieuwendyk, and Wayne Gretzky for joining us for the retirement of number 25, and 99. Unfortunately “The Great One” could not make it tonight, and neither could Joe since he had a game at the American Airlines Center with Dallas Stars against the Nashville Predators last night. Tonight’s total attendance was 329 out of our new capacity of 800. So we would like to thank those 329 individuals for showing up tonight, and of course our season ticket holders!
Also I would like to welcome to the Conference Juan Luis Sala. Juan will be one of our new Alternate Captains. Juan say something (G.M. Nix)
I appreciate this opportunity and I hope to make the Rangers, my family, and my country proud of my performance. I feel this team is going in the right direction and I will not let anyone down. Again thank you General Manager Nix, Coach Alonso, and Coah Yerno for thinking so highly of me, and to all the fans thank you for your support. (Juan Luis Sala)
Thank you Juan, it is great to have such a talented player like yourself on the Rangers (G.M. Nix)
Now, I would like to give our Coach a chance to speak, Coach Alonso.
Thank you (Coach Alonso)
Q. Which Assistant Captain was dropped, to make the spot for Sala?
A. Alternate Captain Jose Ignacio Vazquez was.
Q. What was the decision behind the change?
A. There was a lot of reason for the change that I won’t go into, but we are proud of the work done Jose.
Q. This week both Sanchez and Sala were named to the All-Star Team, did this play a role in the decision?
A. Yes, it did but not a major role.
Q. Why was Vazquez chosen over Yecora, since both did make the All-Star team.
A. Like I said it played a role, but not a major one. Also a small role was that Sala is a Center and having a Left-Wing, Right-Wing, & Center as Captains played another small role in the decision. It just made a better fit on paper, but the real reason was due to our current need in leadership that was met better with the change. That is all the comment I will give on the change.
Q. In tonight’s game, how important was that first goal.
A. It was what basically won the game. We had to take the lead early since this team on paper is better than us. Once we got the lead and caught them off guard with another quick goal in the second, we knew we were on the right path. But they didn’t let up they came back and almost won.
Q. The Rangers seemed to have had a problem with face-offs tonight, and not getting as many shots, what is your position on that?
A. We were lucky, on paper we should have lost. I admit it, it was more off a loss for them then a win for us, but we will take it. However, we have a lot of work Face-offs, and shots if we want to progress in the coming weeks.
Q. Also the Rangers had a lower offensive zone time, how do you explain that problem?
A. Well, they were a better team and we were able to take advantage of the situation when we could, and that is how we won.
Q. While the Rangers had 4 penalties so did the Warriors, is penalties still an issue?
A. For us, and for now, no. We were kept the penalties to a relatively low number, and it didn’t hurt us tonight. As for the warriors they did have a costly penalty at the beginning when Sokol was called for roughing and Julio was able to get our first goal.
Q. Speaking of Izaguirre, tonight Izaguirre and Galvez dominated in getting the 4 goals needed. Why didn’t we see more out of Sala and sanchez instead of just 3 assist between them?
A. Julio and Federico played great tonight, and I was glad to see them take a strong role in the team by getting us each two goals. However, Sanchez and Sala did well by getting some shots-on-goal, but it just wasn’t there night. We were trying to win this one of course, but we were also trying to wean of our top guys and see what the rest of the team could do. That being said Sala still got three assist tonight.
Q. Alvides did a good job at goalie tonight, will he be starting tomorrow night?
A. No, we have determined that both our goalies are reliable enough to get us through a night by themselves. Now we will begin a rotation as to not wear out either Vicente or Ramon. Ramon will start Sunday, and Vicente on Monday.
Q. How was Pindado after that boarding by Jakub Folkman?
A. He was doing well after it and it did not affect him for the rest of the game.
Thank you, I will now turn the mic, over to our G.M. (Coach Alonso)
Thank you (G.M. Nix)
Again notice of promotional nights:
December 25th H.C. Martigny Game – Joe Nieuwendyk #25 Bobblehead Night.
December 27th H.C. Martigny Game – Wayne Gretzky #99 Bobblehead Night.
December 28th F.C. Neng de Castefa A Game – Bill Masterton #19 Memorial Puck.
December 29th H.C. Prava Blondyna Game – Howie Morenz #7 Memorial Puck.
December 31st H.C. Bukvice Brno Game – Retired Numbers Hat Night.
Also as part of the celebration of the Christmas “The Klone” Terry Price an Elvis Tribute Artist will be performing after the first and second periods some Elvis Christmas songs. His website is www.theklone.com
I will now take some questions.
Q. There seems to be a lot of friendly games schedule during what is most teams off-time, do you think this is a wise decision?
A. Yes, we are trying to get this team to move up on the standings anyway possible, and we don’t have much time.
Q. When will this almost daily period of league and friendly games stop?
A. Either when the team is ready of the season is over.
Q. The Spanish National team played a game at home against Slovenia today and won. Is the ownership and management upset that none of its players have been chosen for the national team, despite having a 100% Spanish Players.
A. Upset no, but definitely disappointed that they don’t value our players as highly as we do. However, I am not going to lose sleep over it.
Q. What future changes is the organization likely to commit to?
A. We are expanding our staff and trying to find the right people for the right jobs. As for what jobs they are posted on our website and I will not go in to too much detail about that. We are also looking to continue expansion projects at the Rockwall Center and continue our investment there.
Q. What type of expansion projects is the management looking into?
A. We would like to at least double the current size and ad snack bars, a fan shop, and a press center.
Q. Does that seem wise considering tonight’s attendance was only 329, out of the new 800 seat capacity?
A. Yes, considering currently we are trying to come back from the previous ownership’s record of poor performance. We also feel that the snack bars, and fan shop will encourage people to come back time and time again.
Those are all the questions we will be taking for now.
Thank you and again Happy Christmas Eve, and Merry Christmas to you all. (G.M. Nix)
End of press conference
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