HK Noves Senica† - Vandal na štadione!!! Defacer in the stadium!!!
Na dnesnom zapase zo zarnovicou bol vandal menom Petr Bakula . Rozbijal stolicky a zapaloval ochrannu siet . hokejovy klub HK NOVES SENICA zaplatil pokutu v hodnote 23 456 eur . Od dnesneho zapasu budu sprisnene bezpecnostne pravidla.
Today's match was the Žarnovica vandal named Peter Bakula. Breaking chairs and inflammation protective nets. hockey club HK NOVES SENICA a fine in the amount of 23,456 euros. From today's games I will be more stringent safety rules.
Today's match was the Žarnovica vandal named Peter Bakula. Breaking chairs and inflammation protective nets. hockey club HK NOVES SENICA a fine in the amount of 23,456 euros. From today's games I will be more stringent safety rules.
Каманда lietavska lucka† адказала на гэты прэс-рэліз:
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