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Kanada BlackWings Legion† - Season 6 Playoff!!

Another great season ended and playoff are about to start!

Unfortunatly, we lost the team Montagnard this season, let's hope we get some team from division IV next season!

For this year playoff, I propose a prediction pool. Each round, we try to guess who will win the matchup and in how much games with the following scoreboard:

3pts- Picked winner and the exact # of game won
2pts- Picked winner, but wrong number of game guessed
1pt- Picked loser, but good number of game guessed

By the way, playoff should be at least a 3 out of 5... Hope they fix this in the comming seasons.

My 1rst round pick :
Horns in 2
Vernon in 2
Bobbys Angels in 3
HL hockey in 3

Jedinstveni pregledi: 15
Rejting izjave štampe: Loše - Normalno - Odlično
Klub Kanada BlackWings Legion† odgovoran za ovo izjavu štampe: Major Arena Investments