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Država: Liga:

Njemačka Toronto Anarchians† - Anarchians Special Team Domination

Anarchians were practicing hard on special teams and it brought results. Second game of the season went with score 1-15 mainly because of outstanding performance of goaltender Olav Ribbeck and power play outburst.

Toronto went 5 for 8 with man advantage and despite playing more aggressive than last game and taking way more penalties didn't let opponent to capitalize on shorthanded opportunities going 0 for 5.

Olav's shootout was screwed in the beggining of 3rd period when Vratko Lehotský took a beautiful pas from Salomon Galmstrup and put it to the top shelf! Goaltender couldn't do anything as he was screened by own D. However that only spark of offence from Lok Mitte were too small and too late as the score at the moment was beyond the reach (11-1).

On Anarchians side we have outstanding performance from the top 2 lines. 1st line combined for 22 points while 2nd line added 15 more points.

Among top scorers on Toronto side are 2nd line winger Lars Nieder who had 6 points (3-3), first line defence Adam Lechner with 6 points (1-5), first line center Niclas Busche with 5 points (4-1) and first line winger Per Leis also with 5 points (1-4).

Also day ago Toronto played friendly game with Flensburg Wölfe which ended up with score 6-5 taken in very intense game by Wolves. Today we play friendly match revenge in Schleswig-Holstein and tomorrow regular league game at home against 8th place Löwen Frankfurt 1959.

Jedinstveni pregledi: 4
Rejting izjave štampe: Loše - Normalno - Odlično
Klub Njemačka Toronto Anarchians† odgovoran za ovo izjavu štampe: Anarchians are meeting with Lions