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Njemačka Toronto Anarchians† - Who is stronger grizzly bear or anarchy?

Today Anarchians are meeting with EHC Grizzly Adams.

Grizzlies just ended up loosing streak with game against Mec lions where they won 5-2 while Anarchians didn't loose a game yet, and didn't surrender more than 1 goal in a league game this season.

Grizzlies will have to push to the limits to make something out of this game. Perhaps their first line can help as they finished strong against Mec lions.

Who's hot:
Henrie Klug recorded 3 points (1-2) while Gerry Markus and Friedemann Glatzer added 2 each (1-1 and 0-2 respectively) against Mec lions. Toronto's goalie Olav Ribbeck recorded 2nd consecutive shootout in the league game (and 3rd in a row counting National Cup).
1st and 2nd line of Toronto are on the season long scoring streak.

Injuries: Both teams are fully healthy.

Jedinstveni pregledi: 3
Rejting izjave štampe: Loše - Normalno - Odlično