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Njemačka Toronto Anarchians† - [Opinion] Tournaments

I have to say that National Tournament system is not very fair in power play management. In fact, I don't know any country in the world were teams from league A have tournament with teams from league B (not even say about lower leagues). This is creates games played "in-one-net" that are not interesting neither for low-end team neither for high-end team. So what is the purpose of it? To see one of the League 1 teams as a cup winner?

I have 2 propositions to Power Play team.

Teams are competing based on the league they belong to. So, if I'm in the league 2 (normally 4 sub-leagues 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) I participate in the National Cup League 2 tournament. Same applies to League 3, 4, 5, 6... etc.

However, top league has only 20 teams, meaning that they know well their opponents and this tournament won't be really interesting. For the top leagues I propose to create World League 1 tournament were all teams from League 1 compete.

Same idea but with more motivation for the low-end teams to grow. There are 20 teams in each league - have only top 8 of them participating in the National League # tournament. What will be achieved? Well, firstly, we will cut out team-no-name kinds of teams (who are not interesting to play for anyone). Second, we will have top teams of every league making tournament really intense and interesting not only to play but even to follow. Finally, winner will actually be proud of achievement - that he was able to be the first between even teams... and not like... "Oh, I bit all bunch of League 5,6 teams being myself in the league 1.1 and just got another cup to my collection... boring".

Jedinstveni pregledi: 15
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