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SAD Check Republic 94340 † - The Daytona Boys 1-1 with the New Coach!

1 place out of the top 8 spots, the PowerMovers are 1-1 with jwm0420 as their coach. In a press conference, coach said, "The team needs to build a little bit. Rome wasn't built in a day, and this team won't be either. With time and hard work, rewards, like wins, will fall in our laps." In other news, the new coach and the rest of the Board of Directors discuss creating new jerseys for the team. In the next five games, Daytona will face the Blues2(#4), Cajuns(#1), Solar Bears(#2), Night Stalker(#8), and Mafia(#7). Two games ago, the PowerMovers lost to the Dorks(#5). With this said, fans say they will be happy to end the trip with their coach's record at 3-4. Many are optimistic of any wins at all. A 1-6 record will be lifted by jwm0420 if his detractors are correct. This may lower his spot in the standings from #9 to possibly #13. Coach doesn't seem concerned. He said," We can win all of these games if we work for it."

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