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Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Romford active on the Market

Romford, 07/09/2010 - The legal body of the UK Div.III has approved the manager of the Tornadoes to start spending on the market. So far the new manager has attracted a Goalie and a Winger. Soon they will join the rest of the squad.
There is a large chance that the team will undergo many chances, to keep the age low and the global abilities up.

Rumours go as soon the manager thinks he has a squad he wants to work with, the training center will be heavily upgraded and also the staff will receive an increase in members.

Romford Tornadoes would like to welcome the Slovakian winger Jarolím Saida and Polish goalie Radomił Drewniak. We wish them a bright future with the London club.

Visitas únicas: 3
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