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 Comunicados: III.14 (Reino Unido)

2 461 074 857
País: Liga:
Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Tornadoes got finally Kitted
Romford, Wednesday June 23rd – Finally the Romford Tornadoes have received their long waited for jerseys. The team has been donned in the recognizable dark gold and blue colours. It has been a while, ...

Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Tornadoes welcome new Defenders
Romford, 29/12/2010 - The Romford Tornadoes would like to welcome two new defenders. Sam Black (16 years old from the Wrexham Dragons, 1,300,000) and Wallace Gouck (16 years old from Majstri Sveta, 2,...

Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Romford changes lineup
Romford, 17/11/2010 - The manager of the Romford Tornadoes, Alexander Lowenhart, has let known not to aim for promotion this season. They are doing quite well in League III.14, but despite the results...

Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Romford replies to HCSouthampton
Romford, 07/09/2010 - In a statement from the Romford Rink Alexander Lowenhart, the newly appointed manager of the Tornadoes, expressed his delight on the question of HCSouthampton. In a reaction he ...

Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Romford active on the Market
Romford, 07/09/2010 - The legal body of the UK Div.III has approved the manager of the Tornadoes to start spending on the market. So far the new manager has attracted a Goalie and a Winger. Soon they ...

Reino Unido Romford Tornadoes† - Romford's new Manager
Since today a new manager took over the low profile Romford team and made already some changes. The team will be known as Romford Tornadoes. The squad will stay mostly the same, although gossip has ...