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 プレスリリース: IV.5 (Canada)

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Canada strikers 56718 † - player
i have put one of my goaltenders up for sale. he is a good goaltender and young and would improve alot of teams.

Canada Canadiens A1† - Nouvelle saison
La nouvelle saison approche a grand pas. Canadiens A1 a gagne sa promotion et la saison sera tres excitante et sera un defi pour l equipe. Avec un nouveau sponsor et quelques nouveaux joueurs , l equi...

Canada Canadiens A1† - Resultat
La saison est terminee et la team A1 a perdu un match serre en finale par le score de 5-3 alors que la team a passe le tiers du match en punition. A ce que je saches , c est le record de punitions cet...

Canada Canadiens A1† - Belle saison
Bravo aux joueurs de la ligue 1v5. Ce fut une belle saison. Bientot une nouvelle saison va commencer. Bonne chance a tous. Canadiens A1 va etre en finale et peu importe le resultat , apres avoir gagne...

Canada Canadiens A1† - Premiere place facilement
Canadiens A1 se dirige facilement vers un championnat de saison. Tres peu d opposition dans la ligue 1V.5. La prochaine saison sera plus interessante avec des adversaires de taille.

Canada British Bulldogs† - new GM for the Black Demons
Boonjour!!!ce message est pour vous informer que les black demons sont maintenant diriges par 2 Gm.nous formons un nouveau duos qui ferat des ravages dans la ligue, je lespere bien.bonne fin de saison...

Canada HADES HOUNDS† - Transfer Heaven?
Nagoya Sea Dogs have made a huge splash on the transfer market today that should make them contenders for next season championship. "It would be very hard to say that we will be contenders but that...

Canada HADES HOUNDS† - Building upgrade will make us stronger - demands Bouchard
After just a week at the head of former Nagoya Canadians, Robert Bouchard has changed the old ANA arena into small sized mater piece with new stands order and completed the rink has grown from it's sm...

Canada HADES HOUNDS† - Nagoya is back with new Name
After a year away from managing a hockey team, Robert Bouchard has been re-hired by his former team in Nagoya but the team has changed name to Nagoya Sea Dogs. "It will be very interesting to run ...

Canada Clack's† - HC SJ NB
Comme vous le savez, notre équipe se mesurera au club HC SJ NB pour la coupe nationale, cette équipe occupe le 46ième rang au Canada, tandis'que nous occupons le 511e rang. Nous ne révélerons pas l...

Canada Gibsons Biznows† - Gibsons Biznows
1-2....Biznows comin for you

Canada Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - 13 gone...
The Rangers Update!!! January 26th 2010 For the third time this season, IV.5 now has more noname teams than real managers. The Rangers will try again after a new batch of managers take their place ...

Canada Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - 23 in a row!
The Rangers Update!!! January 22 2010 With the win today vs. Reptilians (12), the Rangers have now made it 23 wins in a row! This achievement is one the Rangers are not taking too lightly as the pl...

Canada Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - Back Half
The Rangers Update!!! Jan 17th 2010 With 21 games now behind the Rangers, the first half of the season has treated them well! The season started off with a blow from that game one loss but have bou...

Canada Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - Where did everyone go?
The Ragners Update!!! December 29th 2009 League IV.5 was the place to be when December began with a full league of REAL managers. That all changed in the last couple of days...League IV.5 now has 1...